Frequently asked questions

are you currently booking?

Yes! I try to only book out a couple weeks out and typically book only two appointments a day to have time for last minute tattoos/walkins. You can click on the booking section of my website to email me about your tattoo or you can always dm me on instagram @gabrielapaz. Appointments require a NON-REFUNDABLE $100 deposit on every appointment. The deposit will go toward the final price of the tattoo and is redeemed on the last session of the tattoo. A 24 hour notice is required to reschedule, not doing so will forfeit your deposit.

do you do walkins?

You can call the shop (503) 714-5751 to see if I have time or you can also DM me on instagram for walkins/appointments , @gabrielapaz

what are your rates/hourly?

The minimum price for any tattoo starts at $100, I charge by the piece, which is based on size and location. Time consuming tattoos that take longer than 2 hours I charge the hourly rate of $200 an hour. Keep in mind that I tattoo rather quickly so don’t be afraid to ask for a quote or you can always ask how much a tattoo I already did costs. For example most hand sized tattoos take me less than 3 hours and I would charge $250-$500 depending on detail.

how do i take care of my tattoo?

At the end of every tattoo I will explain in person how to care for your new tattoo and send you home with an aftercare sheet. I have detailed instructions right on my website here.

What style tattoos do you do?

I try to mostly do stuff in the style seen in my portfolio. I will do most styles EXCEPT portraits, realism and geometric. If you have an image in mind that doesn’t look like the tattoos I have in my portfolio just send me a DM @gabrielapaz or an email.

Can i bring a friend/family with me to my appointment?

Because of covid-19 I ask that only people that are getting tattooed come to the appointment to help stop the spread of covid and because of state regulations. The shop has a strict maximum occupancy that we must maintain at all times, and we cannot permit your friends/family/children/guests to enter. Wear a clean, well-fitting mask that covers your nose and mouth. Do not remove the mask while you are in the shop, and avoid adjusting or touching the outside of the mask. We cannot allow you to enter the shop without a mask.

can i see the drawing of my tattoo before my appointment?

Unfortunately no. With a busy schedule I draw for every appointment the night before, if I drew everyones design a week before the appointment I wouldn’t have time to get ready for the next tattoo and so forth. The day of your appointment I always allow time for any last minutes changes, as long as I am able to rework the design in an adequate amount of time.

do i need a consultation before my appointment?

Most consultation type questions/information I gather during the email/DM phase. If I think I am unable to figure out exactly what you are looking for or the tattoo is a large on going project I will book a free 15 minute consultation for us to meet and discus the details of your project. This is very case by case type situation. You are always welcome to book a consultation with me if you prefer.